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Widening Participation

Supporting under-represented groups and young people into the workplace

The Youtube clip above shows Jack one of our Supported Interns on placement. WHH work hard to ensure we have enough staff with the right skills, values and behaviours available for employment.  We have leadership responsibility for promoting equality, diversity, inclusion through enabling widening participation in relation to the development of the current and future healthcare workforce.

  • Traineeships - a ten week placement for two days each week working in a variety of departments and we currently take a maximum of twelve candidates per year.  
  • Pre-Employment - a six week placement for two days each week in a variety of departments and we currently take twenty seven candidates per year. 

This is the September 2019 cohort:

  • Supported Interns - we accommodate four candidates each year who have special educational needs and disabilities.  Each placement lasts up to six months.
  • Patient Support Assistants - a three month clinical programme supporting college students with their university applications and routes into nursing. 
  • Step into Health - Supporting ex-military and their families to find employment in the NHS.
Step Into Health.png
What they said...


"Alison has gained more confidence as the time has gone on.  She has picked up things she has been taught very quickly and is eager to learn"
WHH manager speaking about a Pre-employment student in Pathology
Susan said "She has enjoyed her time and would possibly apply for a job as a ward clerk"
Susan worked on Ward A4 for 6 weeks
Noel stated "He was surprised at the massive spectrum of things that had to be completed to make an event happen"
Noel completed his placement in the charity office
"The best course I’d attended through the Job Centre" 
Daniel completed his placement in Medical Records
"Mary would be an excellent member of staff to any establishment"
WHH Audiology Manager