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Statutory information

As an NHS Trust we produce a range of documents to show how we meet and are working towards statutory targets and standards.

These include policies, reports and declarations that we make on an annual basis. These are in addition to the information that can be found in our annual report, quality account and other publications here and information on us produced by external bodies that can be found in our transparency section here.

Our foundation trust constitution sets out how we operate our foundation trust.

Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Constitution


  • You can view the Health and Social Care Act 2012 changes to foundation trust obligations and to their terms of authorisation email from Monitor here.

In 2015 Monitor found the Trust to be in breach of its license as a result of worsening financial position (deficit) and failure to deliver the 4-hour standard over a number of months. In November 2017, NHS Improvement decided that following significant progress by the Trust across a number of areas to issue a full certificate of compliance with the terms of the Trust’s license.

NHS organisations need to declare how they are performing around ensuring that patients are treated in same sex accommodation. We are proud to confirm that mixed sex accommodation has been virtually eliminated in all our hospitals. You can access our declaration below.

Our declaration

The purpose of this strategy and underpinning operational policy is to ensure that the trust critically examines, and effectively manages, all risks to people, structures, reputation and any other issues, which could impact upon or compromise the ability of the trust to carry out its normal activities.

Following the publication of the Care Quality Commission report of their national review of arrangements in the NHS for Safeguarding Children (July 2009), Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is declaring that it has arrangements in place to assure compliance with the safeguarding arrangements.

These are in the following areas:

  • Statutory requirements in relation to criminal bureau checks.
  • Up to date and robust child protection policies and systems, including a process for following up children who miss outpatient appointments and a system for flagging children for whom there are safeguarding concerns.
  • Safeguarding training at level 1 undertaken and up to date by all eligible staff.
  • Clarity of role and sufficient time and support for named professionals.
  • There is a board level executive director lead for safeguarding. The board receive an annual safeguarding children report in addition to the bi-monthly report from the governance committee that includes a standing item on safeguarding. There is also a robust audit programme in the organisation to assure that safeguarding systems and processes are working.

As well as the detailed information available in our monthly board reports on financial performance, we make available a list of monthly spend with our suppliers over £25k. We first published this information in July 2014 and update it each month.

You can view the latest summary below:

Spend by supplier April 2023 - March 2024

Historial data can be found here:

Spend by supplier April 2022- March 2023

Spend by supplier April 2021 - March 2022

Spend by supplier April 2020 - March 2021

Spend by supplier April 2019 - March 2020

Spend by supplier - April 2018 - March 2019

Our compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 can be found below:

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations data 2021-2022 click here

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations data 2020-2021 click here

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations data 2019-2020 click here

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations data 2018-2019 click here

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations data 2017 - 2018 click here

We would like to introduce our Patient Experience Strategy 2023 - 2025.

It is vital that we continue to learn from patient experience in order to further improve the high standards of care provided at our hospitals and the Trust is extremely proud of its work involving patients in decisions about services provided.

Our WHH community, both in our hospitals and externally, are pivotal in deciding what an ‘outstanding’ patient experience looks and feels like. Therefore, we pledge to actively seek, listen and act on feedback received from our patients, staff, and other key stakeholder groups.

This Patient Experience Strategy has been co-produced with our patients, our staff and our partners who have been asked “What matters to you?” and it reflects the needs of our local population.

Click on the picture below to access the virtual copy.

Patient Experience Startegy page 1.png