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ICU steps Chester

ICU steps Chester are a support group for anyone who has experienced critical illness within an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

ICU steps Chester aim to support former patients, their families and those close to them - all the services and activities we offer are free. They aim to support former patients, their families and those close to them - all the services and activities they offer are free.

ICUsteps Chester are a group of former intensive care patients, our loved ones and North West health care professionals. By meeting they have found they share a common experience and that what they endured was a normal journey after critical illness.

Many of us have taken a considerable time to overcome the legacies of ICU. Muscle weakness, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, trauma, depression, a loss of role or sense of competency are complex and corrosive elements that all affect one’s sense of well-being.

Together, they help to motivate and encourage each other to overcome the issues that confront us. If you have been affected by ICU, why not join ICUsteps Chester to see what they can offer you. They promise you; you are no longer alone.

All of the usual ICUsteps Chester face to face activities had to cease in March due to Covid-19, but they were not prepared to allow the virus to halt people’s efforts to recover from their illnesses. So, since March 2020 they have moved all of their activities to Zoom, and it has allowed them to expand their programme.

Zoom is an app which is easy to use and free for you to download. If you need any help with Zoom, they can help you set up and test the app.

They know that financial issues are a common problem after ICU admission, therefore all of their activities are FREE to their members, they apply for grants to pay for their trainers’ time.

ICUsteps Chester have weekly Drop-In meetings on Zoom.

These Zoom meetings take place every Thursday evening, log in from 7.20 pm.

These meetings give new members immediate opportunity to speak with others in a similar position. You will always find a friendly listening ear. They often have really interesting speakers, but there is always the opportunity to chat about any issues that concern you.

For more information and log-in details please email 


Or phone 07955 848 596

Or visit our website for more information


They also have a weekly Drop-In meeting for relatives every Tuesday evening on Zoom at 7 pm. They understand that the issues they face are different to those of patients but no less important.

For more information and log-in details please email 


Or phone 07955 848 596

Or visit our website for more information


ICUsteps Chester have two Exercise sessions per week run by Joanne and Gareth, who are qualified trainers and each have over 10 years of experience, including working with people who are recovering from illness or injury. The exercises can be chair based and they will advise you on adjusting the exercises to suit your capabilities as you gradually rebuild your strength and fitness.

"I love this group and what they do for patients and relatives. We’re really proud to have them in our network."

Karen Wilson
Lead Quality Improvement Nurse
Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network

"A year later my youngest daughter and I both had to have psychological help because of the trauma. Talking to other relatives in a similar situation at ICUsteps Chester’s drop-in meetings really helped me to start to come to terms with it all"

Jackie from Dodleston For more than 3 months Jackie was at her husband’s bedside in ICU

"At the end of my physio I was offered the chance to join ICUsteps Chester’s Exercise Group. I would recommend these classes to anybody – they have made a real difference to me in building up my strength again."

Tony from Chester Spent 3 weeks in ICU where he was given a 20% chance of pulling through

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ICUsteps Chester is a support group for anyone who has experienced ICU.

For more information please contact us:

  • info.icustepschester@gmail.com
  • www.icustepschester.org
  • 07955848596