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Respiratory Services

The Respiratory Ward (A7) is a mixed sex unit consisting of 33 beds (28 in bays and 5 side rooms).

A7 is located on the third floor of Appleton Wing at Warrington Hospital. We also care for patients with complex respiratory conditions and those requiring extra respiratory support such as Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) and patients with tracheostomies in place.

Our inpatients have a structured consultant led quality ward round Monday to Friday and is in conjunction with a team of Speciality trainee, Junior Doctors and the ward based Acute Clinical Practitioner.

Alongside our Medical structure we have a compressive Nursing and therapy team with advanced respiratory skills to support our respiratory patients with complex needs. This includes our respiratory specialist nurses, Health care assistants, Physiotherapist and Occupational therapist.

Ward A7 also has a state of the art fully equipped practical procedures area for invasive respiratory procedures. We provide training and educational support for medical, nursing and physician associate students through the year.


Matron: Rebecca Hossbach

Ward manager: Sarah Hargadon

Contact Number: 01925 5157

Visiting times: As Per Trust Visiting 12:00 – 20:00

We provide a variety of Respiratory outpatient clinics in the outpatient department, Appleton Wing at Warrington Hospital and the outpatient department at Halton General Hospital as well as access to community respiratory care. Clinics are consultant led and supported by a variety of clinical nurse specialists.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

The team work with people who are breathlessness due to an underlying diagnosed Chronic Lung Disease (including COPD, Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, pre or post lung surgery) to provide suitable activity/exercise advice and education to support people to manage their condition.

About Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Once a referral is received people will be contacted by telephone to discuss the programme, their underlying medical problems and assess suitability for the programme.

Following this initial contact if suitable a face-to-face assessment appointment with a team member will be arranged.

At the initial assessment appointment, the team will look at mobility, balance, walking distances, breathlessness and complete some questionnaires specific to lung diseases to help the team understand how individuals are affected.

Initial assessments will be offered at either –

  • Halton Hospital Runcorn
  • Orford Jubilee Hub Warrington
  • Ditton Community Centre Widnes

A suitable plan of treatment will then be agreed together.

Everyone completing a rehab course will also attend a discharge appointment following their treatment.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Sessions

Rehabilitation will either be within a group setting or for suitable people, can be delivered remotely via telephone support.

Groups run weekly over 6 weeks and consist of an activity and education component.

Typical sessions are 1.5 hours in duration up to twice a week.

Sessions are available at:

  • Ditton Community Centre, Widnes
  • Orford Jubilee Hub, Warrington

Telephone rehabilitation will be tailored to individual needs this may involve weekly calls for up to 6 – 8 weeks.

Referral information

Referrals need to be from health care professional – GP, Practice Nurse, Physiotherapist, Consultant, or team member, WHH Respiratory Team member, Specialist Hospital Respiratory Centres.

To be suitable for referral people must have a medically confirmed respiratory diagnosis and be limited by breathlessness.

Team Information

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team consists of Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapists, Assistant Practitioners, Therapy Assistants and Administrative support.

The Team are all trained to work with people with Chronic Lung Disease.

How to Contact the Team

For further information regarding suitability for Pulmonary Rehabilitation contact the Team on 01928 753041.

Useful information



The community respiratory team has just gone through a period of integration. The Warrington and Halton teams have now joined as one and as such have one triage number. The team is consultant led, supported by a dedicated integrated community respiratory physician. We see patients with any diagnosed respiratory disease within the Warrington and Halton area. The hours of service are now: 08.30 to 19.30, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Known patients can self-refer and we also take referrals from GP, other hospital Trusts and from HCPs. Our aim is to prevent hospital admission and support patients when they have been discharged from hospital. We offer education around their disease especially around medication and self-management. We also support patients when they are coming to the end of life.

Patients are assessed by either a respiratory nurse or respiratory physiotherapist, a treatment plan is written and agreed with the patient and or carers and we offer support during that episode of care until the patient feels well enough to return to our self-referral scheme which enables patients the ability to contact the team when they feel things are not as stable as they should be. The respiratory team also work within Warrington hospital, seeing in patients who have been admitted with their respiratory illness. This way they can identify patients who can be supported at home, by the team but also to support them whilst in hospital.

As well as seeing patients in their own home we also run nurse and physio led clinics. As well as oxygen clinics for patients on Long Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT) and Ambulatory Oxygen (AOT). The therapy team run Pulmonary Rehabilitation and also bronchiectasis clinics and hyperventilation clinics.

The team also support patients, at home, who have Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) The team have just started a new service for Widnes patients who are under certain GP’s. This is run at the Widnes Resource Centre and here patients are seen in the clinic by a respiratory nurse or GP with special interest in respiratory disease.

They might be asked to attend for spirometry and also have access to smoking cessation services and life style professionals.


What is respiratory physiotherapy?

Treatment is offered to people with an underlying chronic lung disease, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (Emphysema and chronic bronchitis), Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary Fibrosis and Asthma. Treatment is also offered to those without a lung condition who are experiencing symptoms.

Treatment may include advice and education on different breathing techniques, and instruction and assistance with coughing and clearing secretions from their chest.

What do respiratory physiotherapists do?

Assess patients to confirm clinical diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment method for each individual. Treat using a range of techniques and support patients to help themselves towards better health e.g., teaching of exercises. Provide with an individualised self-management plan.

What treatment might I receive?

Following your assessment, your physiotherapist will discuss and agree your treatment plan with you. This may consist of:

• Reducing breathlessness and the work of breathing

• Aiding the expectoration of secretions (coughing up of mucus)

• Improving knowledge and understanding

• Improving functional abilities (i.e. carrying out daily tasks)

• Maintaining and improving physical activity

• Monitoring for any flare up of the condition

Referral information

Referrals need to be from a health care professional – respiratory Consultant, WHH Respiratory Team member, Specialist Hospital Respiratory Centres.

Physiotherapy clinics

Clinics are held at Warrington hospital in the physiotherapy department, and Halton hospital in the main Outpatient department. After referral, you will be sent an ‘opt-in’ letter to contact the team for an appointment that is suitable for you.

The initial assessment lasts 1 hour and is face to face is preferred if possible. Subsequent appointments can be delivered remotely if more appropriate, and last for up to 30 minutes.

Team members

The team consists of an Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapists, Therapy Assistants and Administrative support.

How to contact the team

For further information contact the Team on 01928 753041.

Useful information

The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care - ACPRC

Breathing Point | Breathing Point Breathing Point

You can view our Senior Doctor profiles for Respiratory Medicine here. 

Warrington Hospital

The Nightingale Building (formerly known as Halton Hospital)