Our outpatient service is based in the Daresbury Wing of Warrington Hospital. Our Day Case Unit is based on the first floor of Appleton Wing.
We also have purpose designed ophthalmic theatres on the Warrington site and provide outpatient services at Halton General Hospital as well as in the local community and schools.
Various procedures are undertaken within Daresbury Wing such as intravitreal injections, laser and botox injections.
Our outpatient service is primarily based in the Daresbury Wing of Warrington Hospital. Our Day Case Unit is based on the first floor of Appleton Wing.
We also have purpose designed ophthalmic theatres on the Warrington site and provide outpatient and surgery services at Halton General Hospital as well as in the local community.
Services we provide include:
- Age-related Macular Degeneration
- Cataract
- Cataract Surgery
- Cornea
- Diabetic Medical Retina
- External Eye Disease
- Glaucoma
- Laser treatment (YAG capsulotomy)
- Low Vision
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Oculoplastics/Orbits/Lacrimal
- Other Medical Retina
- Squint/Ocular Motility
- Paediatrics
- Vitreoretinal
Cataract surgery at Warington and Halton Hospitals
At Warrington and Halton Hospitals we perform over 2,000 cataract operations per year. Our experienced team of UK trained ophthalmologists – all fellows of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists – nurses, optometrists, orthoptists and technicians provide safe and high quality cataract surgery care for our patients.
Patients at our hospitals can be assured of the highest standards of clinical care to achieve an excellent outcome from their surgery. Results are regularly compared to national standards and our surgery has been shown to be rated above the national average for safety and outcomes.
Our patients are very satisfied with the care and service they receive. Our satisfaction survey results demonstrate that 100% of patients were either satisfied or fully satisfied that the results of their surgery met their expectations.
Some recent comments received from our patients include ‘Excellent. Delighted with the results’ and ‘The outcome of my operation was beyond my expectations.’ It’s a standard we aim to achieve in every case we perform.
We offer
- a friendly one-stop consultation and assessment clinic
- surgery at two locations – at Warrington Hospital and Halton General Hospital (Runcorn)
- weekday and weekend operation dates
- light refreshment on the day of surgery.
Our patients
- are able to choose between general and local anaesthetic including eye-drop anaesthesia
- and benefit of a full service hospital allowing us to provide care for all patients including those with the most complex eye or general health needs.
Paediatric (children's) ophthalmology
We offer a specialist paediatric ophthalmology care and diagnostic service. A wide variety of child eye disease ranging from squint, amblyopia (lazy eye), visual development for children with special needs, congenital blocked tear ducts, congenital cataracts, retinopathy of prematurity, visual development delay are diagnosed and the majority treated at Warrington Hospital. The most frequently performed surgical procedures are:
- Botox injection for treatment of squint
- Squint surgery
- Syringing and probing for congenital blocked tear ducts
- Removal of eyelid cysts and correction of ptosis.
At Warrington and Halton Hospitals we perform over 1,000 cataract operations per year. Our experienced team of UK trained ophthalmologists – all fellows of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists provide safe and high quality cataract surgery care for our patients.
Patients at our hospitals can be assured of the highest standards of clinical care to achieve an excellent outcome from their surgery. Results are regularly compared to national standards and our surgery has been shown to be rated above the national average for safety and outcomes each year.
More than two million people in the UK are estimated to be living with sight loss. This number is expected to increase significantly, and it is predicted by 2050, over four million people with be living with sight loss.
The leading causes of visual impairment include:
· Age Related Macular Degeneration
· Cataracts
· Diabetic Retinopathy
· Glaucoma
· Uncorrected refractive error
Visual impairment impacts the physical, social, and emotional aspects of quality of life, and may cause feelings of anger, loneliness, isolation and increased risks of falls and fractures.
What we do at WHH
The Low vision clinic is based at Warrington Hospital and is a holistic approach to patient care providing a range of services to help people with low vision make best use of the visual function they may have. We are planning to deliver clinics at Halton Health Hub in the future and we also provide telephone appointments.
How can we help
Patients receive a full investigation, taking into consideration the visual problems experienced. Patients will then receive help and support with use of optical aids such as handheld and stand magnifiers on loan from the low vision clinic, advise on non-optical aids such as lightening, contrast, glare reduction and practical suggestions on how to live with their visual impairment.
Patients are then referred to our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) who will provide patients with further advice and make referrals to external agencies that may be able to provide further support.
Once seen in the low vision clinic, patients will either receive a telephone call or a face to face follow up appointment to determine how they are finding their magnifier and the opportunity to discuss any other concerns.
Our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer is Louise Carr who works for the RNIB here at the Trust.
Louise, offers dedicated individual information, advice and guidance providing support on how to lessen the impact your eye condition may have on your life. Louise acts as the link between health and social services.
ECLO contact details to make referral or have a discussion are: Louise Carr
Tel. 07562 166996 or Email: Louise.carr12@nhs.net
You can also access the RNIB website for more information at www.
How to be referred
Referrals are accepted for any patients who are struggling with their visual impairment.
You may be referred directly by your Consultant Ophthalmologist or eye professional.
Referrals are also accepted from their GP or local optician.
If you are or have been a patient at the eye clinic before you can self-refer to the service.
All first appointments are face to face. If you require a follow up this maybe done via the telephone or face to face.
For more information, please contact Optometry team on 01925 662485.
We offer a specialist paediatric ophthalmology service. A wide variety of children’s eye disease ranging from squint, amblyopia (lazy eye), visual development for children with special needs, congenital blocked tear ducts, congenital cataracts, retinopathy of prematurity, visual development delay are diagnosed and treated at Warrington Hospital. The most frequently performed surgical procedures are:
Botox injection for treatment of squint
- Squint surgery
- Syringing and probing for congenital blocked tear ducts
- Removal of eyelid cysts and correction of ptosis.
The Paediatric service is led by Mr. Bregu and supported by Dr. Hebbar, Associate Specialist. The paediatric service is supported by a large team of Orthoptists ( click here for the Orthoptics Service page), Optometrists and Nurses.
We have a wide range of state of the art diagnostic equipment which is used to monitor various eye diseases. This often means you may have a variety of tests during your visit and see different eye care professionals. These diagnostic images and test results may be analysed by a Senior Clinician/Consultant at a later date, this is called a virtual clinic. The clinician will write to you with the results of your examination.
We have a team of Ophthalmology Consultants who are experts in their field:
Mr M Halliwell – Oculoplasty, Associate Medical Director
Miss K Mandal – Medical retina
Miss M Hovan – Glaucoma
Miss S Singhal - Medical retina
Supported by a team of Associate Specialists in Ophthalmology:
Dr G Hebbar
Dr A Srivastava
Ophthalmology Trainees
Lesley O’Hara - Ophthalmic Nurse Manager
Elaine Clarke - Principal Optometrist
Sonia MacDiarmid - Head Orthoptist,
We also have a team of expert Nurses, Orthoptists, Optometrists and Ophthalmic imaging staff.
You can view our Senior Doctor profiles in Ophthalmology here.
Ophthalmic Centre
Daresbury Wing
Warrington Hospital
Ophthalmic day case ward at Warrington Hospital:
1. Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE)
All staff wear PPE and follow strict national and local guidance.
2. Increased cleaning
All equipment and surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned in between patients.
3. Modified waiting area
Due to social distancing measures we have had to modify the waiting areas to maintain social distance. Please respect this during your visit. We have removed some of the waiting area chairs to allow for social distancing. You may be asked to wait in a clinic room rather than the waiting area to reduce the number of patients in one are at a time.
4. Patient access only
Due to limited waiting space you are asked to come to your appointment alone. Please ask friends or family to wait outside. If you require support please discuss this with the team on arrival. For children we ask that only 1 parent and no siblings attend appointments where possible.
5. Telephone, video clinics
We are redesigning some of our services and using telephone and video clinics where appropriate. Your clinic letter will have all the information.
6. Virtual clinics
After having various diagnostic imaging tests the results will be analysed by your Consultant or Senior Clinician. You will be written to with the results of the tests.
7. Deferred appointments
We are following Royal College of Ophthalmology Guidance and where safe to do so appointments may be deferred to a later date. Please be assured that before your appointment is deferred a Clinician will have reviewed your notes.
Emergency eye care
If you are an existing patient and have noticed a loss in vision please call the Ophthalmology Triage line on 01925 662694.
Alternatively if you are not under the care of the Ophthalmology service the following are ways you can access services:
• CUES – Primary eye care services There are accredited optometry practices on the high street that are able to see urgent eye conditions.
Please use the website for more information www.
• Call 111
• See your GP
• Attend Accident and Emergency Department at Warrington
Please note the eye clinic does not accept walk in/self-referrals.