As an NHS Foundation Trust, Warrington and Halton Hospitals has a council of governors meeting that brings together the public, staff and partner governors of the hospitals.
The council meets bi-monthly and trust board members also attend the meeting which is chaired by the trust chairman. The meeting is held in public and anyone is able to attend.
Future dates for the council of governors meetings are listed below - please check back regularly as times and venues can change.
What happens at the meetings?
At the meetings, the chairman and chief executive give a verbal update to the governors on key issues affecting the trust. Papers are usually presented on key topics for discussion such as performance and finance. Feedback is received from governor ward inspections and other quality programmes. Reports are also received from the governors committees.
Council of governors meeting papers and minutes
We will endeavour to make the papers for each meeting available five working days in advance of the meeting on this page. Minutes will be published as soon as they are ratified (usually at the next meeting).
The Trust is required to hold an Annual Members’ Meeting within nine months of the end of each financial year. The meeting enables the board of directors to present the annual report and accounts, provide feedback on how the trust performed over the last year and the challenges and financial plan for the year ahead.
This year, our Annual Members' Meeting took place on Wednesday 4 October 2023, 3.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Post Graduate Centre at Warrington Hospital.
This is also an opportunity for members who are contemplating becoming a governor to come and speak to our current governors to find out more about the role. Governors will be onsite at the Post Graduate centre from 2.30pm to chat to members. Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be available.