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Paediatrics (Children's Services)

Our paediatric team provide a wide range of specialist and general services for children and young people.

We provide an excellent paediatric (children's) service based at Warrington Hospital.paediatrics.jpg

The service is based on our children's wards at the hospital - B10 and B11. We provide medical and surgical services for children at the hospital. We also provide a paediatric A&E service. B10 and B11 can be located in the Burtonwood Wing at Warrington Hospital provide our main children's services. We have assessment areas for younger patients who are admitted to the ward or come to us through A&E. Children coming in for surgery at the hospital are also cared for on the ward. The ward has a mix of bedded bays and single rooms with beds or cots. There is a playroom and other facilities designed to make the stay on the ward as comfortable as possible for our younger patients. You can't miss the ward as it has a bright aquarium mural at the entrance. Please note that the ward entrance is protected by an intercom and door lock system that you need to operate to gain access to the ward.

Who's in the Team

Our children's ward and other areas are staff by specially trained children's nurses (called paediatric nurses) and doctors (called paediatricians). They are expert in caring for younger patients.

We also have a range of support teams who look after our patients. On the children's ward this includes play specialists who help by providing play therapy and explaining about procedures and treatments.

If you are having surgery, the surgeons and anaesthetists looking after you are also experts in treating children and have extra training.

You can view our Senior Doctor profiles in Paediatrics here. 

Children's and Young People's Outpatient Department Virtual Tour

We provide children’s surgical services to patients from across Warrington, Runcorn, Halton and the surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on both speed and ease of access to these services as well as excellent clinical outcomes from highly trained, dedicated staff.The service encompasses outpatient assessment, elective surgery and emergency surgical care.

Outpatient services are provided at both Warrington Hospital and Halton General Hospital in the following specialties:

General surgery




Oral / maxillofacial / dental

Children’s surgery is performed at Warrington Hospital in our dedicated unit. The vast majority is performed as a day case and there is a designated paediatric day case unit of seven beds separate from the paediatric medical / emergency admissions ward.  Facilities are available on the main children’s ward if and when needed. We feel this provides an excellent service for our patients.

All of our services are consultant based with delivery by a dedicated children’s surgical team who see the child and family from first consultation to discharge. The service is provided as part of a paediatric surgical network in partnership Cheshire and Merseyside Children’s Surgical Network.

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My name is James Melling and I was appointed last year at WHH as a consultant colorectal and general surgeon with an interest in paediatrics.  I undertook my surgical training in Merseyside and completed a fellowship at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in 2016-17.  I therefore have excellent links with the surgeons at Alder Hey and with them hope to develop the services we offer locally to the children of Warrington and Halton.

I see children over the age of 6 months and the surgical conditions I treat includes:

•Abdominal hernia,

•Hydrocoele (fluid around the testis),

•Foreskin problems,

•Undescended testes,

•Gallbladder surgery,

•Lumps and bumps (excluding the face, joints and breasts),

•Ingrown toe-nails.


For any enquiries, please speak to your GP or contact my secretary.

Mr James Melling

MBChB, FRCS, MD, PGDip(Clin Ed)

Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon

Lead for Paediatric General Surgery

Secretary: 01925 662076 E-mail: lisa.drummond2@nhs.net


Out-patient assessment is performed in designated children’s outpatient clinic in a child friendly environment separate from adult outpatient facilities. Assessment is by a surgeon with a special interest in the relevant field of children’s surgery accompanied by a trained children’s nurse.

Prior to any surgical procedure the child and his / her carers are invited to the ward, both for a pre-operative check and to introduce the child to the ward and facilities so reducing anxiety on the day of admission.

The paediatric day case surgical unit is staffed by specialist children’s nurses and provides a warm comforting environment for the patients and their families. There is a well equipped play room staffed by play specialists. There are facilities for parents and relatives to stay throughout the episode of care.

As a trust providing emergency care in emergency situations as well as elective all the consultant anaesthetists are qualified to anaesthetise children if 3 years and older in the majority of situations. Several of the consultants take a special interest in children’s anaesthesia and anaesthetise children from year of age and, on occasion, from 6 months of age.

Parents are able to escort their child to theatre, leaving only after he or she has been anaesthetised. Parents can then wait in the parents’ room while the surgery takes place, and rejoin their child once in the recovery area. All theatre and recovery staff are trained to manage the care of children.

Our surgical follow up care is provided in the community by our children's nursing team.

A special area located in the accident and emergency department at Warrington Hospital provides our emergency service for children. Enter A&E and book in at the main reception area and you will be guided to paediatric A&E. The area is staffed by specially trained doctors and nurses skilled at looking after children.

Located next to the Children's Ward in Burtonwood Wing at Warrington Hospital, the children's outpatient area is where our young patients come for their clinic appointments with our team. There is an entrance from the hospital ring road between Croft wing and A&E.

The other main area of the hospital that children also go to directly for appointments is ophthalmology for eye test and treatment - this is located in the Daresbury Wing of the hospital. You can read more about our

The Paediatric Acute Response Team (PART) looks after children from 0-18 years and aims to provide an alternative to hospital admission. The team support families to manage their children’s illnesses at home. Previously a child might have been admitted to hospital following attendance at a GP or at A&E, in many cases this was just for further observation; this service enables children to remain at home with specialist staff available who can provide support and will advise the family if the child’s condition further deteriorates necessitating admittance to hospital.

The team can remove stitches, apply wound dressings, take blood tests and administer IV antibiotics–IV antibiotics are delivered in the child’s home on a daily basis. The service also supports children with long term conditions such as asthma, epilepsy and diabetes.

PART provides care closer to home and removes the anxiety and distress felt by many children and their families on attending and being admitted to hospital.

Referrals for clinic appointments are mainly made by GPs.

If you have a child who is unwell you should see your GP, or if it is urgent and you are worried, come to A&E.

We also work closely with Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool for further expert opinion and onward referral of cases.

Warrington Hospital

Watch this video about coming in to hospital for an operation or procedure.