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Urology is one of the most varied branches of surgery, encompassing diseases of kidneys, bladder and prostate.

We provide a full urology service at the hospitals. Urology is one of the most varied branches of surgery, encompassing diseases of kidneys, bladder and prostate.

The urinary tract is where our bodies make, and get rid of, urine. The organs covered by urology include the kidneys, bladder adrenal glands, ureters (tubes that run from the kidney to the bladder), urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to where it leaves the body), the prostate and the male reproductive organs.

The urinary and reproductive tracts are closely linked, and disorders of one often affect the other, so a major part of the conditions managed in urology fall in the area of genitourinary disorders.

Urology covers management of medical (i.e., non-surgical) problems, such as urinary tract infections and benign prostatic hyperplasia, as well as surgical problems, such as the surgical management of cancers, the correction of congenital abnormalities or correction of stress incontinence.

Treatments and services offered at the Urology department include:

  • (In) Continence

  • Destruction of Kidney Stones

  • Diagnostic endoscopic examination of bladder (Cystoscopy)

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Haematuria

  • Keyhole prostate surgery

  • Male Infertility

  • Oncology

  • Prostate

  • Urinary Calculus

  • Vasectomy.

You can view our Senior Doctor profiles for Urology here, 

Appleton Wing 
Warrington Hospital

01925 662038

Warrington Hospital

The Nightingale Building (formerly known as Halton Hospital)