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Fracture Clinic

The aim of Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust’s Virtual Fracture Clinic, is to get you (the patient) to the right specialist at the outset.

The aim of Warrington & Halton NHS Foundation Trust’s Virtual Fracture Clinic, is to get you (the patient) to the right specialist at the outset.  

Following on from your attendance at Accident & Emergency or Urgent Care Treatment Centre, an Orthopaedic Surgeon will review your notes and X-rays and decide what clinic / treatment is best for you. We will then let you know of any appointment dates needed, which may include the following:

  • Seeing an Orthopaedic Surgeon
  • Seeing a physiotherapist 
  • Discharge back to your GP, with advice provided via telephone

Virtual Fracture Clinics allow for many patients to manage their injury at home safely and effectively, whilst reducing waiting times for clinics for those patients who do have to return to hospital.  

Following attendance at Accident & Emergency, Minor Injuries Unit or Halton’s Urgent Care Centre, your case will be triaged in our Virtual Fracture Clinic by an Orthopaedic Consultant. 

As the clinic is virtual, you do not need to attend this review.  Instead, once the review has taken place and if we do need to see you, we will contact you by telephone, or post if we are unable to contact you, with an appointment date and time. 

Find out more information about our Virtual Fracture Clinic in our leaflet here. 

Your Conditions and Treatment:

The Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) will give  you a diagnosis. This is often clear on your X-rays or from your medical records.  Sometimes it is less clear, but we will phone you and ask you a few questions if we need to.

The main benefit of VFC is that we can triage you correctly from the start.  We can also bring you to clinic in the correct timescale, preventing unnecessary appointments.  

Patient information leaflets

Click on the relevant drop down below to view some of our leaflets. 

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