The NHS is a complex organisation and we are one part of the service that provides healthcare to local people.
In this section we try to provide some basic information so you can understand how the services work and link together and where Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust fits into the wider system.
In simple terms, the NHS is divided into a series of organisations who work closely together:
- NHS England monitor the performance of the NHS nationally and support commissioning (planning and paying) of services locally
- Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are run by local general practitioners (GPs) and healthcare professionals who run primary care services (such as your GP service) and assess local health needs. They hold the budget for the majority of health care locally and then commission health services to meet those needs – for our trust, the two main CCGs who we work with are Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group and Halton Clinical Commissioning Group
- NHS acute or foundation trusts like ours provide the hospital, out-patient and other services commissioned by CCGs to meet local population needs
- Ambulance trusts provide services responding to 999 calls and transporting patients – our local ambulance trust is North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- Mental health trusts provide specialist care for people with complex and severe mental health problems – our local mental health trust is North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Community trusts co-ordinate community health services for individual users – our local community trust is Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and local authoritiessuch as Warrington Borough Council and Halton Borough Council provide social care services in the community and manage public health. Local authorities also run health and wellbeing boards that ensure joined up working across health and social care.
This is a simple list of organisations locally. We work to provide care to patients from surrounding areas as well so link in with many other CCGs and other trusts and local authorities.
We also work closely with regulators of the health services such as Monitor and the Care Quality Commission and a range of local groups such as HealthWatch - the independent consumer champion for health and social care services.