Our frequently asked questions and their answers
Here is a list of the most common questions people ask us and the answers to help you.
How do I contact the hospital by phone?
Our Switchboard number is 01925 635911
Details of ward telephone numbers are available here.
How do I contact a hospital service?
Visit - https://whh.nhs.uk/services
How do I check or change/cancel my appointment?
Our appointments line is open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm 01925 662003
You can change or cancel your appointment online here:
Or Appointment Booking Numbers here.
How do I book a blood test?
Call 01925 662011 Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm and Fridays from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
How do I find out about hospital visting times?
Please call 01925 6620111 Monday to Friday 9am to 4.50pm.
How do I get to your hospitals in Warrington and Halton?
Visit: https://
Do I have to pay for car parking when I attend a hospital appointment?
Details of our car parking charges and parking concessions (as at 1st April 2021) are available here:
I am pregnant, how do I get a referral to maternity services/midwives?
Use the link to self-refer:
I need to speak a midwife, how do I contact them?
Warrington patients – 01925 662092
(Community Midwives) Out of Areas – 01925 662260 (Antenatal Clinic)
Visit our maternity web pages for information and advice:
How do I get a copy of my medical records?
Where do I go if I need help and advice about my care at your hospitals or to access one of the services?
You can contact our Patient Advice and Liason Team (PALS) team on– 01925 275512 during normal working hours. Alternatively email whh.pals@nhs.net
How do I provide feedback on my care experience?
What do I do if I have a complaint?
Formal complaints should be submitted to whh.
How do I apply for work experience or placements?
Where do I find your job vacancies?
Click here for NHS Jobs.
How do I contact your HR Department?
Please email: whh.
How do I follow up on my recruitment progress?
Please email: whh.
How do I submit a Freedom of Information Request?
For more information: https://
Please email: WHH.
How do I submit a media enquiry?
Please email: WHH.Communications@nhs.net
How do I contact your accounts Department or chase invoices?
Please email: whh.
How do I contact your Procurement Team?
Please email: http://whh.enquiries.procurement.team@
How do I donate to Warrington and Halton Hospitals’ Charity?
Telephone: 01925 662666
General enquiries: whh.
Charity Fundraising Manager: helen.
Facebook: WHHCharity
Twitter: @WHHCharity
LinkedIn: Warrington & Halton Hospitals Charity
Website: https://