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Esstta Griffiths

Engagement and Involvement Officer

Esstta joined WHH this year as Engagement and Involvement Officer and is already making sure our patients and communities have a voice within our organisation and can influence our future plans.

Why did you choose to work in the NHS?

I've worked alongside the Trust for over 20 years in a variety of roles in Warrington's voluntary and community sector - from first volunteering with a wellbeing mentor at Warrington Borough Council, to working in community engagement at Healthwatch Warrington and delivering personal health budgets brokerage at Warrington Disability Partnership, I really enjoyed all my roles because they were about helping local people and families. 
I was brought up to believe that "we're all here to help each other" by my mum and nan, and they were strong believers in the same. The NHS is one of the best examples of why it's so necessary and valuable to help others - I've always wanted to be a part of it, and I'm so very glad I got to join!

Tell us about your role? 

My role includes monitoring, facilitating, and promoting patient engagement activities, events  for both Warrington and Halton Hospitals.

What do you most enjoy about your role? 

I love working with people, and being in my new role is brilliant. I've helped support patient engagement, events, and service developments in just a few months. I already can't imagine being anywhere else - the whole of the hospital team have been amazingly friendly, welcoming and supportive. I feel really lucky to work somewhere I'm so passionate about.

What would you say to someone thinking about a career in the NHS? 

It's an absolutely brilliant place to work! There are hundreds of careers in the NHS, from IT and stock management, to nursing, research and digital services. I had no idea just how broad the range of roles was until I got here, but it's amazing. The support from teams like occupational health and staff health and wellbeing has been great, and I'm now part of staff networks and groups that I never would have thought of before. I think working here is definitely a career, not just a job. The NHS is everything I hoped it would be, and I'm really proud to be a part of it.