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Celia Hill


For Celia nursing has always been a vocation and as well as providing emergency care for infants and children at Warrington hospital, she has also completed three tours of Afghanistan as an army reservist.

Why did you choose to work in the NHS?

I trained as a children’s and adult nurse in 1976. I wanted to work in the NHS because I thought that this was the best training provider to enable me to follow my vocation. 

Tell us about your role? 

I work in Paediatric A&E with a fantastic team, where we triage and deliver the best possible care we have available, to all children up to age 18 who attend the department.

What do you most enjoy about your role? 

Every day is a school day. I’m always learning something new. Most of all I enjoy seeing children who have arrived crying, upset and possibly in pain, leave the department with happier, smiley faces than when they arrived. It is rewarding to know we have achieved our goal, by providing effective care and support.

What would you say to someone thinking about a career in the NHS? 

I wouldn’t change my job choice if I had my time again. I have enjoyed my career in the NHS and have had many opportunities to develop including being able to serve my country as an army reservist with the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) on three tours in Afghanistan.