I have been involved in a project over at Trafford General Hospital, the birthplace of the NHS, called Untold Stories of the NHS. I am a volunteer and station manager for the Hospital Radio Station over at Trafford and have been there for 23 years.
The project, a partnership between Manchester Metropolitan University in partnership with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, had poet in residence, Dr Kim Moore holding creative writing workshops where NHS staff and volunteers were supported and encouraged to write their recollections of the NHS in the form of stories and poems.
The works are to be printed in an anthology for the NHS birthday which will be available to the public. An exhibition at Manchester Poetry Library will also feature pictures, interviews and the written works of all the staff and volunteers who were part of the project.
I have two stories and a poem which are to be printed as part of this work.
Read Amanda’s stories and poem.
Find out more about the project and the birthplace of the NHS in this video: