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Dr Elly Thomason

Dr Elly Thomason is a Consultant Paediatrician.

Dr Elly Thomason

Job Title: Consultant Paediatrician

Department: Paediatrics

Specialty areas: General Paediatrics and Neonates, special interest in Cystic Fibrosis, Allergy and Respiratory

Clinic days and locations: 

  • Allergy clinics Monday afternoons at Warrington Hospital
  • MDT Cystic fibrosis Clinics Wednesday morning at Warrington Hospital
  • General Paediatric clinic Thursday afternoons at Warrington Hospital

Contact details: Secretary - 01925 66 5079

Qualifications: MBChB (Hons), MRCPCH, PGCert, MAcadMEd 

GMC Number: 7149095

Dr Elly Thomason completed her training in general paediatrics and neonates in the North West. She also has a special interest in paediatric respiratory conditions, including Cystic Fibrosis and allergy. She leads the Paediatric Allergy Service at Warrington Hospital and works closely with specialist nurses and dieticians to look after children and young people with food allergies, complex asthma and hayfever. She also leads the Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis service and works closely with the multidisciplinary team to look after children and young people with cystic fibrosis, in collaboration with the specialist team from Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.  

Dr Elly Thomason is involved in the North West Allergy Network and maintains a close link with colleagues in Alder Hey and Manchester Children’s Hospitals who also look after allergy patients. She also has close links with the regional Cystic Fibrosis Network and the teams at Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

In addition to clinical work, she also enjoys teaching medical students, trainee doctors and other allied health professionals and has completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education. 


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