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Dr Pradeep Magapu

Dr Pradeep Magapu is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist.

Dr Pradeep Magapu

Job Title: Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Department: Cardiology

Specialty areas:

  • Ischaemic heart disease diagnosis and management.
  • Percutaneous coronary intervention (coronary stents).
  • Cardio-oncology service.
  • Clinical education and teaching.

Clinic days and locations:

  • Tuesday AM - Virtual telephone clinic
  • Wednesday AM - Face to Face clinic alternating between Warrington and Halton sites.

Contact details: Secretary - 01925 66 2692

Qualifications: MBChB, FRCP

GMC Number: 6054423

Dr Magapu was appointed to the post of Consultant Interventional Cardiologist in 2016. He holds a joint position between Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHSFT (WHH) and Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHSFT (LHCH). He graduated from the University of Liverpool and has worked and trained in the region in several of the local hospitals.

Dr Magapu specialises in the management of coronary artery disease. His main skills are in the diagnosis and management of ischaemic heart disease. He is able to undertake complex percutaneous coronary intervention (the implantation of stents), which he performs at LHCH.

He has been instrumental in developing the cardio-oncology service at WHH, in conjunction with the Oncologists at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. This has helped to streamline the investigation and communication for breast cancer patients.

Dr Magapu is the Undergraduate Clinical Placement Lead for Cardiology at WHH. He undertakes the teaching of medical students in years 3 and 5 of their training. He enjoys teaching and education for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Dr Magapu is a conscientious supporter of Liverpool Football Club, attending home games whenever possible.

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