The unit is a special service for women with gynaecology emergencies. The team on C20/GAU have cared for 3650 patients, which on average is 70 patients a week with gynaecology emergencies. The unit predominately looks after patients with early pregnancy complications and for patients experiencing abdominal and pelvic pain or gynaecological problems, i.e. cysts and has helped our women to avoid long waits in A&E to be referred to Gynaecology. The service is able to manage some conditions on an outpatient basis, rather than keep the patient in for treatment. GAU is provided by consultant gynaecologists/obstetricians, specialist nurses and vital support from the team on C20.
The aim of the service is to provide efficient, specialist, compassionate care, within the women's health care unit. It has reduced waiting times for women, in the majority of cases and providing an empathic service.
Patients can be referred direct from their GP, midwife or if they do come to A&E or Urgent Care Centre. It has streamlined effective care and been responsive to our women’s needs. The feedback for the unit has been a resounding success with 100% positive feedback over the last 12 months.
Future plans include the addition of a Gynaecology Advanced Nurse Practitioner, to work alongside the doctors and support the assessment and management of women attending the unit.