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Gynaecology Cancer Pathway

This service is for suspected 2WW Cancer Referrals only. A referral letter must be attached.  Once the referral has been assessed and triaged the booking team will contact the patient to offer them an appointment (which may be face to face or a phone call). We aim to complete this within 2 working days. The appointment will be made within 2 weeks of the referral assessment request being received.

Refer to NICE guidance. 

•    Suspected gynaecological cancer. 
•    Pelvic mass, not obviously fibroids or pregnancy
•    Ascites of unknown course
•    Abnormal CA125 result
•    Suspicious pelvic lesion on imaging  
•    Post-Menopausal Bleeding   
•    Suspicious vulval lesions 
•    Cervical abnormality                                                                                                                                      

•    Clinical exam by GP/ Clinician 
•    FBC and U+E
•    CA125 where indicated 

•    Assessment by gynaecologist
•    Hysteroscopy
•    Vaginal examination
•    Abdominal examination
•    CA125
•    Relevant blood tests 
•    Ultrasound 
•    CT or MRI

Referrals that are not suspected cancer. 
•    PLCP: Reversal of Sterilization
•    Colposcopy
•    Vulval disorders
•    EPAU
•    General gynaecology problems