Non-medical pre-registration learners and preceptorship

STEPP programme for non-medical pre-registration learners

The STEPP programme has been developed to highlight the programme of support that WHH offers to non-medical pre-registration learners.

STEPP stands for Support, Transition, Education and Progress (to Preceptorship) and aims to support learners in their professional development every step of the way.

STEPP aims to provide a sense of belonging, encourage recruitment and increase retention. The programme includes regular 'check in' sessions, clinical skills and non-clinical training and support, student forums and pastoral support. 

Multi-Professional Preceptorship Programme for newly qualified non-medical staff

Our Multi-Professional Preceptorship Programme has been developed to support newly qualified nurses, midwives, nursing associates and allied health professionals (AHPs – physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, orthoptists, orthotists, paramedics, operating department practitioners, speech and language therapy, radiographers).

WHH Multi-Professional Preceptorship Programme has been developed based on local, regional, and national guidance and is designed to ensure consistency and equity for newly qualified professionals at WHH.

The offer of the Multi-Professional Preceptorship is further extended to those healthcare professionals that are returning to practice, are new to the clinical area and those practitioners that are recruited from overseas.

If you're a non-medical pre-registration learner interested in applying for elective placements, please contact for more information on the application process.