Contact us


The main switchboard number for the Trust is 01925 635911.

There is also a direct number for the Halton site 01928 714567.

Trust headquarters address

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
Executive Offices
Kendrick Wing
Warrington Hospital
Lovely Lane

  • Our locations

    Find Trust sites and details of where we provide services in the community.

  • Our services

    Find contact details for our services, wards and departments.

Change or cancel an appointment
Access advice or support about our services

If you have any concerns regarding the care provided by the Trust we encourage patients, relatives, and carers to speak with the staff involved in providing care or contact the department / ward manager in the first instance.

If you have tried this and require further support our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can help to resolve concerns by liaising with staff.

Read more about the support PALS can provide to patients and carers.

Raise a concern or formal complaint

We welcome positive feedback about your experiences of the service we provide and encourage patients and carers to resolve concerns or issues with the staff providing care or through contacting our Patient Advice and Liaison Service.

If you do not achieve a resolution through this route, you can find out more about our process for raising concerns or formal complaints.

Provide feedback or say thank you

To provide feedback on our services, share a compliment, or say thank you to one of our teams or colleagues please visit our share your feedback section.

Access your medical records

If you require advice about accessing your personal information or are a solicitor requesting client medical records please visit the accessing your medical records page and download a form.

You can also contact the Trust’s Medico-Legal team at:

Submit a media enquiry, photography or filming request

All media enquiries, requests for interviews filming or photography should be made to the Trust's Communications and Engagement Team. The office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.


Call: 01925 275249

Read our latest news.

Media enquiries out of hours

For urgent out-of-hours media enquiries please call the switchboard on 01925 635911 and ask to be connected to the duty manager on-call.

Please note that we can only respond to urgent media enquires outside of office hours.

Filming and photography on-site

Although the hospital is a publicly accessible building, photography and filming are not permitted without prior consent from the Trust. The wards and department are private areas and filming and photography is not allowed without permission of all involved.

Please contact us in advance to discuss any filming or photography requests. Unauthorised filming or photography may result in action being taken by security teams and the police being contacted.

Submit a Freedom of Information request

To submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act please visit our Freedom of Information page.

Contact the hospital charity

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals Charity (WHH) has an office at the main entrance of Warrington Hospital.


Call: 01925 662666

Visit the charity website.

Contact Accounts Payable

For supplier invoice queries related to goods and services purchased by the Trust.


Address for invoices

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

RWW Payables B205

PO Box 312


LS11 1HP