Experts by Experience

Experts by Experience (EbyE) are people with experience of using our services, either as a service user or a carer/advocate. Experts are invited to use their 'lived experience' of services to help shape future developments so that they meet the needs of the people who use them. 

Our Experts by Experience programme is one of the key elements of our ‘Working with People and Communities Strategy 2022-25’. This outlines how we will work together, as an organisation and in our communities, to put the voice of our patients and carers at the forefront of our work to develop services. If you would like a copy of the strategy please email

Working in this way means that we deliver compassionate and responsive care that is aligned to people’s feedback and will mean that our organisational decisions and processes are enriched and enhanced by the inclusion of a 'lived experience' perspective.

We have many different opportunities to involve Experts by Experience in the work of the Trust and people can be involved as little or as much as they choose. 

If you would like to find out more about being involved as an Expert by Experience, please email or contact Esstta Griffiths, Engagement and Involvement Officer, on 01925 662835.

Foundation trust members can also sign up to become Experts by Experience.

Alternatively, fill out the form below and we will get in touch.


Experts by Experience form

Age *
Please let us know which areas you are interested in *
If you ticked 'Clinical services' which service/s specifically would you be interested in
If the answer is yes, please state what interests you have.

Please read the statement below and tick the box if in agreement

Equality and Diversity monitoring

We understand that experience and priorities may vary between different groups of the population, and we aim to support diverse feedback and involvement. This information will be used to improve the quality of our services and is in line with our Data Protection guidelines.

What is your age?
Which of the following genders do you identify with?
Is your gender the same as assigned at birth?
What ethnicity do you identify as?
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
An unpaid carer is anyone who cares without payment for a friend or family member who (due to frailty, illness, disability, a mental health or an addiction) cannot cope without their support. According to the definition above, do you consider yourself to be an unpaid carer?