Take part in clinical research

Pathway to Research

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is a research-active hospital and has a range of research taking place, from clinical trials of new medicines to questionnaire-based studies.

Pathway to Research is a secure database for patients who would like to be contacted about future research studies. Joining is completely voluntary and your care will not be affected if you choose not to join.

Pathway to Research enables the Trust's Research and Development (R&D) Team to contact you directly about studies you may be potentially eligible to take part in. We need volunteers to take part in research as this helps us improve our understanding of illness and builds evidence for developing better treatments.

You can join the database whether you are healthy, take medications and/or have one or more health conditions.

How do I join Pathway to Research?

If you would like to join Pathway to Research, complete the consent form and questionnaire and your information will be added to the database. This is completely voluntary and you can have your details removed at any point. The R&D team will be in touch periodically to check if you wish to remain on the register and to update your records if needed.

If I sign up what am I agreeing to?

If you choose to join Pathway to Research you are agreeing for the R&D Pathway to Research Team to contact you if a research study is looking for volunteers.

Can I change my mind?

Yes, you can change your mind and have your details removed from the database at any time. Your care and treatment will not be affected.

What data will you collect and store?

The Pathway to Research team collect and store the information you disclose on the consent form and questionnaire. For information on how the Trust handles your data please read our information on data protection.

The information you volunteer is accessible only to the R&D Team and research teams (including doctors and nurses) working at the Trust. Information we store includes your name, date of birth, contact details, health information (height, weight, medical conditions, smoking status, allergies, and medication).

This information is then used to determine whether you are potentially eligible for research studies and to contact you with further information. Your information is used solely for research purposes within the Trust and your contact details will never be passed on to third parties or companies.

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office as a tier 3 organisation to process the person identifiable information of our staff and patients.

The Trust’s registration number is Z5654134.

How long will the data be stored?

You will be contacted by the Pathway to Research team every two to three years to check you wish to stay on the database. If we are unable to contact you after several attempts then your information will be removed from the database. You will be able to re-consent and re-join the database at a later date if you wish to.

What should I do if I want to make a complaint?

If you would like to make a complaint, please contact the hospital’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Find out more information

If you have any questions and would like to speak to a member of the team, please contact us at:

Email: whh.pathwaytoresearch@nhs.net 

Call: 01928 753303

Write to: Halton Clinical Research Unit, Nightingale Building, Hospital Way, Runcorn, WA7 2DA