Organisation structure

This page provides information on the structure or our organisation and the responsibilities of the directorates within our organisation.

If you require more details on our leadership and structures please email

Trust Board

Our Trust Board is made up of six voting and two non-voting executive directors plus seven non-executive directors (including the chair).

View the details of all Trust Board members.

Executive Team portfolios

Dan Moore

Acting Chief Executive

John Culshaw

Company Secretary and Associate Director of Corporate Governance


Jane Hurst

Chief Finance Officer


Management accounts

Financial services

Financial planning

Contracts, performance and commercial development

Clinical coding and service development

Supplies and procurement

Informatics and business intelligence


Alison Kennah

Chief Nurse


Professional leadership for nurses, midwives and AHPs

Clinical governance

Regulatory compliance

Infection prevention and control

Patient safety

Patient experience

Clinical education


Maternity and children's

Safety champion

Palliative care

Clinical research


Zoe Harris

Acting Chief Operating Officer


Planned care

Unplanned care

Clinical support services

Estates and facilities




Dr Paul Fitzsimmons

Executive Medical Director


Professional leadership for doctors, dentists and physician associates

Patient safety

Clinical effectiveness and productivity

Learning from deaths

Medicines management

Appraisal and revalidation

Medical education

Digital services

Quality academy


Michelle Cloney

Chief People Officer


Human resources




Workforce intelligence

Occupational health and wellbeing

Staff engagement

Organisational development

Learning and development


Lucy Gardner

Director of Strategy and Partnerships


Strategy development and delivery

New hospitals

Town Deals - community health hubs

ICS and place developments

Local Health and wellbeing strategy delivery

Anchor programme, including green plan

Partnerships and collaboration

COVID-19 vaccination


Kate Henry

Director of Communications and Engagement


Internal and external communications

Media relations

Community and stakeholder engagement

Freedom of information

WHH charity fundraising


Trust operations

Dan Moore

Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive

Zoe Harris

Director of Operations and Performance and Deputy Chief Operating Officer


Neil Gregory

Associate Director - Planned Care Group

Melanie Alsop

Digestive Diseases Clinical Business Manager

Ceri Rogers

Surgical Specialities Clinical Business Manager

Laura James

Women's and Children's Clinical Business Manager


Sharon Kilkenny

Associate Director - Unplanned Care Group

Chris Barlow

Integrated Medicine and Community Clinical Business Manager

Sharon Martlow

Medical Care Clinical Business Manager

Karen Bowman

Urgent and Emergency Clinical Business Manager


Hilary Stennings

Associate Director - Clinical Support Services

Paul Mooney

Chief Pharmacist

Mark Jones

Radiology Services Manager

Michelle Smith

Therapies Manager

Neil Gaskell

Pathology Services Manager

Emma Burraston

Outpatients Services Manager


Sarah Haworth

Associate Director of Integrated Care

Danielle Whittaker

Service Manager - Integrated Hospital Discharge Team


Val Doyle

Interim Associate Director, Estates & Facilities Management

Lee Bushell

Head of Capital Projects

Kieran Beech

Head of Estates Maintenance, Compliance & Risk

Julie McGreal

Head of Facilities

Phil Sloan

Head of Security & Car Parking (LSMS)

Suresh K Arni Sukumaran

Head of Medical Engineering


Val Doyle

Associate Director of Projects & Programme Delivery (Fixed term)

Sarah Jackson

Senior Strategic Project Manager - TIF

(Planned Care) (Fixed term)


Care groups and clinical business units (CBUs)

Dan Moore

Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive

Zoe Harris

Director of Operations and Performance and Deputy Chief Operating Officer


Planned Care Group

Neil Gregory

Associate Director

Digestive Diseases


Clinical Director

Melanie Alsop

Clinical Business Manager

Lucy Parry

Lead Nurse

Clinical Services


General surgery

Upper gastro-intestinal surgery

Colorectal surgery


Breast surgery


Liaison pain management

Pre-operative assessment

Ward A4

Ward A5 Gastro

Ward A5 Elective

Ward B4

Planned Investigations Unit


Post- Anaesthesia Care Unit

CT room


Dr Anna Vondy

Associate Medical Director

Surgical Specialities


Clinical Director

Ceri Rogers

Clinical Business Manager

Carol McEvoy

Lead Nurse

Clinical Services


Trauma and Orthopaedics



Ear Nose and Throat surgery


Maxillofacial surgery


Ward A6

Ward B3

Captain Sir Tom Moore Ward


Sonia Griffin

Associate Chief Nurse

Women's and Children's Health

Dr Satish Hulikere

Clinical Director

Laura James

Clinical Business Manager

Ailsa Gaskill-Jones

Director of Midwifery

Jill Tomlinson

Lead Nurse Women and Children's and Gynaecology

Clinical Services



Gynaecology / Assessment Unit




Antenatal Day Unit

Antenatal Clinic

The Nest / Birth Suite


Gynaecology Assessment Unit

Ward C20

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Wards B10 and B11

Children and Young People's Outpatients


Unplanned Care Group

Sharon Kilkenny

Associate Director

Medical Care

Dr Laura Langton

Clinical Director

Sharon Martlow

Clinical Business Manager

Claudine Reynolds/Ellis Clarke

Lead Nurses

Clinical Services

Critical care medicine


Respiratory medicine



Diabetes and endocrinology





Acute Care Team

Intensive Care Unit

Acute Cardiac Care Unit

A3 Acute Respiratory Unit


Ward C21

Dr Mark Forrest

Associate Medical Director

Urgent and Emergency Care

Dr Saagar Patel and Dr Adebole Adebowale

Clinical Directors

Karen Bowman

Clinical Business Manager

Yasmin Habib

Lead Nurse

Clinical Services

Emergency medicine

Acute medicine

Emergency Department

Same Day Emergency Care Unit

Runcorn Urgent Treatment Centre

Acute Medical Unit A1

Ward A2

Patient flow team


Emma Hackett

Associate Chief Nurse

Integrated Medicine and Community

Pradeep Magapu

Clinical Director

Chris Barlow

Clinical Business Manager

Janet Pye

Lead Nurse

Clinical Services

General medicine

Care of the Elderly

Palliative care

Frailty Assessment Unit

Ward A7

Ward A8

Ward A9

Forget me Not Unit B12

Stroke Unit B14

Ward B19

Ward K25

Discharge Suite

Integrated discharge team


Clinical Support Services

Dr Alison Davis

Clinical Director

Hilary Stennings

Associate Director

Nicola Milkins


Paul Mooney

Chief Pharmacist

Michelle Smith

Head of Therapies

Mark Jones

Radiology Services Manager

Neil Gaskell

Pathology Services Manager

Lesley McKay

Associate Director Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC)

Clinical Services



Clinical chemistry




Breast screening

Infection prevention and control





Nursing and clinical governance

Ali Kennah

Chief Nurse

Tracy Fennell

Deputy Chief Nurse/Director of Clinical Governance


Palliative Care

Patient Experience and Volunteers


Military Veterans

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Patients)

Infection Control Support

Bereavement Services

Patient Safety

Ward Accreditation

Ward Metrics

Clinical Education

Medical Devices

Medicines Improvement

Nursing staff & workforce


Ailsa Gaskill-Jones

Director of Midwifery

Tina Moors

Deputy Director of Midwifery

Sam Emery and Kim Farrell


Jill Tomlinson

Lead Nurse for Paediatrics and Gynaecology Services

Joanne MacGlashan

Women's and Children's Matron


Michelle Smith

Lead AHP and Head of Therapies


Emma Hackett

Associate Chief of Nursing - Unplanned Care

Yasmin Habib

Urgent and Emergency Care Lead Nurse

Nichola Burns/David Merriman/Michelle Caterall 

Urgent and Emergency Care Matrons

Claudine Reynolds

Medical Care Lead Nurse

Ellis Clarke/Sarah Hargadon/Clare Banks/Joanne Meredith

Medical Care Matrons

Janet Pye 

Integrated Medicine Lead Nurse

Janet Rouse/Fiona Flack/Deborah Hammond/Katie Nixon

Integrated Medicine and Care Matrons


Debbi Howard

Associate Chief of Nursing - Corporate Nursing

Michelle Taylor/Vanessa Wallace/Emma Ryan

Patient Safety Nurse

Heather Aston

Tissue Viability


Sonia Griffin

Associate Chief Nurse - Planned Care

Carol McEvoy

Surgical Specialities Lead Nurse

NatalieSlater/Sara Nowell-Vaughan

Surgical Specialities Matrons

Lucy Parry

Digestive Diseases Lead Nurse

Linda Ellison/Rachel Baxter

Digestive Diseases Matrons


Simon Jesson

Chief Nursing and Information Officer and Head of Digital Care


Deborah Hatton

Lead Nurse for Staffing and Workforce Improvement

Rachael Browning

Head of Clinical Education

Claire Grice (covering maternity leave)

Head of Patient Experience and Inclusion


Lesley McKay

Associate Chief Nurse for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Associate Director of IPC


Nicola Milkins

Acting Matron Clinical Support Services


Katie Clarke

Lead Nurse Safeguarding Adults/Children Mental Health and Learning Disability


Cathy Umbers

Deputy Director of Clincial Governance


Clinical Governance

CQC Compliance

Health and Safety Risk Management


Legal Services

Quality Academy

Safeguarding Mental Health and Learning Disability

Medical cabinet

Dr Paul Fitzsimmons

Executive Medical Director and Chief Clinical Information Officer


Debbie Mallett

Medical Cabinet Business Manager


Dr Paula Chattington

Director of Medical Education

Kate Davidson

Medical Education Manager


Anne Robinson

Responsible Officer


Dr Thara Raj

Director of Population Health and Inequalities


Dr Eshita Hasan

Deputy Medical Director 

Dr Alison Davis

Clinical Director

Clinical Support Services


Dr Mark Forrest

Associate Medical Director - Unplanned Care Group

Dr Laura Langton

Clinical Director - Medical Care

Dr Pradeep Magapu

Clinical Director - Integration Medicine and Community

Dr Adebola Adebowale and Mr Saagar Patel

Associate Clinical Directors Urgent and Emergency Care


Dr Anna Vondy

Associate Medical Director - Planned Care Group


Clinical Director - Surgical Specialities

VACANT and Dr Andrew Langton

Clinical Director - Digestive Diseases

Dr Satish Hulikere

Clinical Director - Women's and Children's


Portfolio Associate Medical Directors

Dr Lalitha Chinnappan

Associate Medical Director for Patient Safety

Dr Kevin Tan

Deputy AMD for CE - Procedural Safety



Medicines governance

Infection control/Sepsis/UTI




Diagnostic testing policy

Incident investigation

Patient safety specialist

Mortality, learning from deaths

Serious incidents


Mr Mithun Murthy

Associate Medical Director for Clinicial Effectiveness

Dr Tim Furniss

Deputy AMD for CE-Research & Development


Clinical audit and improvement




Clinical Ethics Committee


7 Day Services

Trust wide trauma group



Mr Pranesh Nagarajan

Associate Medical Director - Clinical Productivity and Strategy


Clinical productivity

Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT)



Dr Hilary Furniss

Associate Medical Director – Medical Appraisal and Revalidation


Medical appraisal standards

Responsible Officer (RO)

Documentation and reporting

Support for doctors


Support and professional development for doctors



Chief Nursing Information Officer and Head of Digital Care

Dr Rita Arya

Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer – Women’s and Children’s Health

Dr Damian Stansfield

Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer – Medical Specialties

Dr Phyu Wai

Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer – Medical Specialties

Mr Gareth Stables

Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer – Surgical Specialties

Miss Virag Varga

Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer - Surgical Specialties


Clinical Information


Jane Hurst

Chief Finance Officer

Janet Parker

Deputy Chief Finance Officer

Alison Jordan

Associate Director of Information

Chris White 

Head of Enterprise Solutions


Business intelligence

Statutory reporting

Governance of data quality

Digital analysis

Data warehouse

Enterprise solutions



Associate Director of Finance - Strategy

Heather Farrington

Head of Financial Planning


Financial planning

Clinical income


Service line reporting

Overseas patients

Private patients

Strategic business cases

Reference costs

Contracts & SLAs

Charitable funds

Paul Brereton

Head of Clinical Coding and Service Development


Clinical coding

Service development

Internal/external training

Internal/external audit

Clinical engagement

Quality improvement

Claire Leather

Head of Finance (GIRFT)


CIP/GIRFT/Improvement business cases

Bids and tenders

Benefits realisation

Commercial development

Performance assurance framework

Use of resources

Finance systems


Alice Forkgen

Associate Director of Finance - Operations

Lynn Simpson

Head of Management Accounts


Budget setting

Budget management


Costings and financial information

Corporate benchmarking

Service improvement

Internal monthly reporting

Finance systems


Karen Spencer

Head of Financial Services


Financial accounting

External financial reporting

Financial controls

Treasury management

Cash flow/cash office

Internal & external audit

Annual accounts

Accounts payable/receivable

Counter fraud

Capital accounting


Alison Parker

Associate Director of Procurement and Deputy Chief Procurement for the ICS

Paul Foster

Deputy Associate Director of Procurement


Tendering and commercial contracts

Order processing

Stores receipt and distribution

Materials management

Workflow procurement

Services to Bridgewater Community


Michelle Cloney

Chief People Officer

Jennie Dwerryhouse

Deputy Chief People Officer

Carl Roberts

Associate Chief People Officer

Gemma Leach

Head of Workforce Systems and Intelligence

Louise Rylett

Head of Employment Services




Medical bank and agency


Workforce intelligence

Learning and development

Widening participation


Laura Hilton

Associate Chief People Officer

Jo Pickstock

Head of HR and Organisational Development

Mike Grogan

Staff Side Chair


Human resources

Employee relations

Organisational development


Rebecca Patel

Associate Chief People Officer

Caroline Eardley

Head of Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Anita Kirkham

Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub Manager

Adam Harrison-Moran

Head of Culture and Inclusion


Staff engagement

Workforce culture and inclusion 

Mental health wellbeing service

Occupational health and wellbeing

Digital services

Dr Paul Fitzsimmons

Executive Medical Director & Chief Clinical Information Officer

Dr Tom Poulter

Chief Information Officer (SIRO)

Sue Caisley

Deputy Chief Information Officer

Stephen Deacon

Head of Digital Compliance


Information Governance

Cyber security

Digital compliance


Emma O’Brien

Head of Digital Programmes


EPR project managers/support

Training team/administrator

RA (Smartcards)


Release management


Tracie Waterfield

Head of IT Services



Management/Service delivery


Simon Jesson

Chief Nursing Information Officer


Digital care (clinical informatics)

Clinical safety

Strategy and Partnerships

Lucy Gardner

Director of Strategy and Partnerships

Dr Hayley Heard

Deputy Director of Strategy and Partnerships

Megan Wainwright

Strategic Project and Team Support Officer


Overall strategy development and delivery

New Hospitals

Anchor programme, including Green Plan

Clinical strategy development

Acute collaboration

Population health

Shared Prosperity Fund

C&M Pathology Collaboration

C&M relationships and ICS development

UEC system improvement 

Warrington and Halton integration

Wider determinants of Health Halton


Carl Mackie

Halton Healthy New Town and Strategic Programmes Manager

Viv Risk

Strategic Projects Manager (New Hospitals)


Overall strategy development and delivery

Runcorn Town Deal - Health & Education Hub

Shopping City development

Halton Levelling Up

One Public Estate

Halton Place Development

Health and wellbeing strategy delivery

Halton relationships

Warrington Place estates

Strategic capital projects


Steve Bennett

Head of Strategy and Partnerships

Caroline Lane

Strategic Projects Manager

Lefteris Zabatis

Senior Strategic Projects Manager (CDC)


Overall strategy development and delivery

Warrington Town Deal - Living Well Hub

Community Diagnostics Centre (CDC)

Warrington Place development

Health and wellbeing strategy delivery

Warrington relationships

Warrington Virtual Hub

Communications and Engagement

Kate Henry

Director of Communications and Engagement

Hayley Smith

Deputy Director of Communications and Engagement

Alison Aspinall

Head of Communications and Engagement


Working with People and Communities

Public affairs and consultations

Stakeholder/community engagement

Campaign development

Internal communications

Media relations

Digital communications

Patient information

Film, photography and design


Helen Higginson 

Head of Fundraising


Income generation

Community engagement

Corporate partnerships

Legacy and in memory management

Grants, institutes and foundations

Staff charity involvement ambassadors

Capital campaigns

Gaming and trading

Patient funded projects/impact

Staff funded projects/impact

Council of Governors

As a Foundation Trust we have a Council of Governors which includes the Trust's chair, public governors elected by members, staff governors elected by staff and partner governors.

Visit the Council of Governors page to see governor details.

Declarations of interest

In accordance with NHS England guidance the Public Register displays declarations of interest made by our staff.

Visit our Publication Scheme.