Share your feedback

We would like to hear your views on the service that we provide.

These pages tell you more about how you can give us your feedback on your experience. They also explain how to make a formal complaint about your care if we cannot resolve an issue.

Being open at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals

At Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals we have a policy on being open in every communication with patients and relatives. All our staff will be open with you about your care.

We will:

  • give you full information
  • answer questions honestly and fully
  • be open if things go wrong or if you have any concerns

You should feel free to ask questions or raise any concerns about your care. We will give open, honest answers. If things go wrong, we will be open with you.

On the rare occasions that errors occur, we will be open with you about it and do what we can to learn from them. We will give you the chance to ask questions and raise concerns in writing or at face-to-face meetings. We also welcome and learn from any compliments or good things you want to tell us about and share these as best practice across our wards and departments.