Adult Speech and Language Therapy

General introduction

We provide assessment, therapy and support for people who have acquired difficulties with communication and/or swallowing (known as dysphagia).

We work across the following areas:

Inpatient wards

We work with the multi-disciplinary team to support safe feeding for patients on our wards who have acute swallowing and/or communication difficulties, caused by a wide range of neurological problems. We can also provide support on communication skills to some patients.

Stroke Unit (Ward B14) 

We work with people who have swallowing and/or communication difficulties as a result of stroke including: 

  • dysphasia – difficulties with spoken language, understanding, reading and writing
  • dysarthria – difficulty with speech caused by a weakness of the muscles required for speech
  • dyspraxia – difficulty coordinating muscles to make the sounds needed for clear speech


We work with residents in their own homes and in residential and nursing homes when they experience swallowing and/or communication difficulties as a result of stroke, head and neck cancer or acquired brain injury (ABI) and/or progressive disorders such as motor neurone disease (MND), Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), Huntington's disease (HD) and others.

We do not currently provide a service to individuals with communication difficulties related to dementia.

Outpatient clinic

People with voice disorders (hoarse voice or loss of voice known as dysphonia) are seen in outpatient clinics for assessment, therapy programmes, support and advice. We also provide therapy to people who have had a voice box removed due to cancer (laryngectomy) and clients going through gender re-assignment.

Patients with stammering (dysfluent speech) are seen in an outpatient clinic. 

How to access this service

We operate an open referral system with the exception of patients referred to our Voice Clinic need to have had a recent Ear, Nose and Throad (ENT) assessment before referral. 

Email referrals to: 

Post referrals to:

Adult Speech and Language Therapy Team,

Second floor,

Lancashire House,

Warrington Hospital,


Please note:

Children are seen by the Children’s Speech and Language Therapy service. Contact: 01925 251389.

Adults with learning difficulties are seen by the (ALD) Speech and Language Therapy Service. Contact: 01744 457278.

About the team

We are a small team, comprising speech and language therapists, speech and language therapy assistants and an administrator. We work at Warrington Hospital and in the community. All our therapists are registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT), and most cover multiple clinical areas.

Useful information

Contact Us


General enquiries for Adult Inpatient and Community Speech and Language Therapy Teams
01925 662062

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service 
01925 251389

(ALD) Speech and Language Therapy Service (adults with learning difficulties)  
01744 457278

We provide this service at