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Visiting Suspended from Friday 27th March 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus – Visiting Suspended from Friday 27th March 2020


From Friday 27th March 2020 Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals will suspend all visiting to ensure the safety of patients and staff.  This is in response to new national guidance from NHS England-Improvement.

There are a number of exceptions to this as follows:

  • Relatives of those nearing end of life will be supported to visit their loved ones, bespoke arrangements will be made by the nurse in charge
  • Patients on Intensive Care Unit  only one visitor per patient per day will be permitted and visiting will be 2-4pm and 5-7pm daily, visits outside this will be on a case by case basis in discussion with ICU staff
  • Maternity One birth partner only, visiting at any time but overnight stays are suspended
  • Children’s and Neonatal wards one Parent, Partner of Parent or Guardian per child per day.
  • Key workers visiting ICU, Maternity, Children’s or Neonatal Wards or those patients nearing end of life will be supported to visit their loved ones by arrangement with the nurse in charge.


Patients attending for outpatient appointments or tests should attend alone unless they need to be accompanied – these accompanying visitors should not stay in any patient, ward or communal areas - this applies to both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Children under 16 years of age will not be admitted at any time.  

To support family contact with loved ones, the Trust is making arrangements to support e-visiting via digital media platforms on each ward. We are further setting up a family liaison service for each ward, coupled with a pick up and drop off service for patient laundry and small gifts. A further announcement will be made when this is in place 

Important Notice

  • Everyone should follow the expert national guidance on social distancing and self-isolation, staying at home wherever possible, to help limit the spread of coronavirus, protect the most vulnerable people in our communities and our NHS.
  • Visitors with any symptoms relating to Covid-19- coronavirus including a cough or temperature must not visit the hospital the guidance issued by NHS111 is  here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-advice/
  • If visitors have a general cold, including cough, cold, runny nose they must not come to the hospital.
  • Visitors with any symptoms relating to a stomach upset, including diarrhoea and/or vomiting should not come to the hospital


The Trust advises visitors to contact its Patient Advice and Liaison Service if they have specific concerns beyond this guidance, the service is available on weekdays on 01925 275512 or e-mail WHH.Pals@nhs.net