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Chief Executive’s Award for Macy Owen and her Rainbows

WHH thanks Warrington’s Macy Owen for making life more bearable for patients and staff

Inspirational nine year-old Macy Owen received a Chief Executive’s Award at Warrington Hospital for selfless acts of kindness through her ‘Macy’s Rainbows’ fundraising campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chief Executive Professor Simon Constable, joined by Andy Carter MP for Warrington South, presented Macy with an award certificate, personal thank you letter and gifts in recognition of the generous donations made to the Trust via Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals Charity from funds raised through making and selling handmade beaded rainbows.

More than 6,000 people have joined the inspirational youngster’s ‘Macy’s Rainbows’ Facebook group and she has now made thousands of rainbows using more than half a million beads raising more than £12,000, with more to go.

Among Macy’s donations to the Trust are sensory equipment, including toys and lights, and items from WHH Charity’s Amazon Wish List.

The presentation at the Children’s Unit’s outdoor play area was also attended by Macy’s family including mum Lindsay, dad Don and younger brother Dylan.

Generous Macy also handed out Macy’s Rainbows friendship packs to WHH staff at the presentation and said that receiving the award felt ‘magical’.

WHH Chief Executive Simon Constable said: “On behalf of our patients and staff I wanted to personally thank Macy for the incredible donations we have received - they are making such a difference to us all and have certainly made life better during this challenging time. We think you are magical too Macy.”

Macy has also received a Point of Light award from the Prime Minister and you can find more about Macy’s Rainbows on Facebook.

If you would like to help or make a donation to Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals please call the Community Hub on 01925 662 666 to arrange or email: WHH.Charity@nhs.net or visit whhcharity@org.uk


Warrington South MP Andy Carter, WHH Chief Executive Simon Constable and Macy with her family in the outdoor children’s play area at Warrington Hospital.


Macy with her award certificate from Chief Executive Simon Constable